We are FAA certified with a Remote Pilot Certificate, demonstrating that we understand the regulations, operating requirements, and procedures for safely flying drones, having passed their aeronautical knowledge exam.

Customer will retain all rights to the pictures and videos that we take, unless arrangements have been made ahead of time for SignalPoint Solutions to use them for advertisements and marketing, including social media marketing.

Pictures are high quality 48MP photos and 4K/60fps video.

If the property is located outside of Coryell County, an additional mileage charge of .50/per mile will be added.

There are times that a property is located in Restricted Airspace and needs approval ahead of time for us to enter to take drone footage.  This requires additional work and a longer lead time.  Prices would be adjusted accordingly.

If you would like your logo on the images, please upload it with the completed form below.

Real Estate Industry

Request Drone Photography